

Showreel 2020

UNSW Spotlight - 2020


Pat Younis

Media Artist (Interaction, Realtime and VFX)

My interest in digital art began with Photoshop, creating abstract desktop backgrounds from online tutorials using different brushes and effects. From 2010, brushes turned to paintings; malleable layers turned into animated ones (using After Effects); 2D turned to 3D; 3D became Interactive.  

The potential that Media Art has to tell a narrative in a contemporary and abstract way is the catalyst to my creative practice. Learning new software, developing with new technology and creating cross-media hybrids helps to create an arsenal of tools to tackle any relevant endeavors in an exciting way.

Since graduating with a bachelor of Media Arts (Class 1 Honours) at UNSW Art & Design (2018), I’ve opted to do my best to create work that support people, invest in projects that mean something and built a community for Media Artists with regular meetups and exhibitions that operates out of discord; Origin.